Naan Bread
lukewarm water – 1 cup
active dry yeast – 1 tsp
milk 1/2 cup
sugar – 1 tbsp
all-purpose flour (Maida) – 2 CUPS
salt 1 tsp
Vegetable oil
egg – 1 (optional)
Put warm water in a small bowl, add sugar and yeast and stir until dissolved. Set aside for 5-10 minutes or until it foams.
- Blend in the warm milk, yogurt and melted margarine. In a large bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder and poppy seeds. Pour in the yeast/milk mixture all at once and work it into the flour, using your hands. Continue mixing, adding flour or water as needed, until the mixture leaves the sides of the bowl.
Take the warm water in a small bowl, add yeast, sugar,salt & milk and still. Keep aside for 5 min.
- then add little bit oil into that.
- Pour the warm water/yeast/milk mixture into the flour, using your hands make soft dough (you can add one egg )
- apply little bit of oil on the top of the dough then Cover with a damp cloth and keep it aside for 60 min
Preheat oven to 500 degrees F (your oven’s highest setting) and set a rack in the lower of the oven.
- Place your pan/tray or iron griddle on the rack and preheat.
- Take the soft dough make it into small balls. keep is aside for another 10 min
Roll out and stretch each ball (if you want Garlic NAN apply some chopped garlic on top) . Keep it in the pre heated pan/tray .
- Bake at 500 degrees F (maximum) for about 2 to 3 minutes until bread is puffed and has brown spots
- take out and turn the bread and bake it for another 1 minute.
- Take out the NAN and apply little bit butter on it.
- Your Yummy Naan is ready to eat.
for recipes in simple cooking steps with youtube lesson